Yesterday, May 20, 2023, the Bucharest Astroclub took part in the 8th edition of the national event dedicated to science, astronomy, education – Astrofest 2023, in the Crângași park in Bucharest, a public event organized by the Science&Technology Association and the Science&Technology magazine, with the support of the District 6 City Hall, through the European Center District 6.
During daytime, the Sun surface, sunspots and prominences were observed through our equipment: the Lunt solar telescope (in the wavelength of ionized hydrogen – Hydrogen alpha) and through telescopes equipped with solar filters, including ” The Monster” – newtonian telescope with 400 mm main mirror and refracting scope with 120 mm lens.
At the same time, we displayed our astrophotography exhibition, where we included images of the Sun’s chromosphere, our Milky Way galaxy, but also deep sky objects: galaxies, nebulae, star clusters.
At our stands, one could see meteorites under a microscope, models of the lunar module and the International Space Station, a replica of an astrolabe from the 16th century, a planetarium for visually impaired people from our „AB for the Blind” program and at the „Junior Astroclub” program stand we organized interesting activities for children.
– to be continued about the evening observations –